Many people would be terrified to be on TV, not only because they are terrified of all those people watching them at home, but because they are terrified of embarrassing themselves while on camera.
The product announcer for The Price is Right recently fell over while trying to walk backwards in a treadmill on live television, and that got me thinking. What would you do if you did something embarrassing on while being interviewed for your local news station or as a contestant on a game show? Do you think you’d ride it out, pretend it didn’t happen, or laugh it off? What about after it was all over, would it bother you once you were off camera?
Embarrassed woman by Michael Flickr IMG_4240.jpg. Licensed under CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons httpcommons.wikimedia.orgwikiFileEmbarrassed_woman.jpgmediaviewerFileEmbarrassed_woman.jpg