Season four of the CW’s hit show Arrow is on a mid-season break in the US. In this season Oliver and Team Arrow are up against Damien Darhk, another big baddy associated with the League of Assassins. Here’s the trailer for season four of Arrow.
Damien Darhk is played by Neal McDonough who has a long history playing and voicing comic book characters. He played Dum Dum Dugan in multiple marvel TV shows and the 2011 Captain America: The First Avenger film. He even voiced the Green Arrow for some DC shorts back in 2010. With Damien Darhk, viewers have Neal McDonough play a very dark (pun intended), mysterious bad guy. Here’s an interview with Neal McDonough, discussing the role of Damien Darhk.
What do you think, is Damien Darhk creepy? Is he the right type of bad guy for Arrow?
[Image1 "Neal McDonough 2009" by Kristin Dos Santos - Neal McDonough. Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 via Commons -]